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Learn a new skill online on your time

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Speak a language in 10 minutes a day

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Kepala Madrasah

Kepala Madrasah

Hanafi, S.Ag., M.Pd.

Ahlan wa Sahlan

Selamat datang di website madrasah kami, pusat media informasi MI Tashilul Mubtadiin Kel. Kedunggaleng Kec. Wonoasih Kota Probolinggo.


Educating Leaders for God, Country and Society


We aim to provide a holistic education in an environment that seeks to bring out each student's potential to the fullest; develop in each strong moral character, imbued with Divine values & principles and to guide and prepare students to become leaders for the greater good and service to others.

Tenaga Pendidik dan Kependidikan

Kami selalu berupaya mengabdi sepenuh hati, memberikan pelayanan prima.

Bradley Glover

Bradley Glover

Economics Teacher

Londynn Vargas

Londynn Vargas

Language Teacher

James Andy

James Andy

Math Teacher

Kathy Matthews

Kathy Matthews

History Teacher

Robert O'Neill

Robert O'Neill

Physical Education Teacher

Elizabeth Hobbs

Elizabeth Hobbs

Social Studies Teacher


Prestasi Peserta Didik dan Madrasah dalam berbagai ajang beberapa waktu terakhir.

Data Statistik Madrasah

Berikut data Statistik Madrasah kami pada tahun ajaran 2024/2025

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